Gallery: 50th Anniversary
50th Anniversary Dinner at the Old Liverpool Airport Terminal

Terry Stelfox, Mrs. Judith Barnes, John Barnes, and Norman Sutton (seated). Standing are Mrs Angela Levin and Norman Balfour.

Chairman John Livens and his wife Nora who handles the aircraft bookings.

Mrs. Pat Morcom, ???, Mrs. Judith Wylie, Chris Wylie, Mrs. Judith Barnes, John Barnes, John Livens, Mrs. Nora Livens.

Terry Stelfox, John Livens and the Mike Papa Trophy.

President Keith Levin presents Martin Gardner with the President's Shield for his 2000 flight to Avranches.

Mrs Pat Morcom presents the new Bill Morcom Trophy to the Club, in memory of her late husband. Keith Levin receives the trophy on behalf of the Club.

Popular winner of the Bill Morcom Trophy in the first year that it was awarded was Secretary and Treasurer Chris Wylie.

Lively speeches, numerous aviation stories and humour, and reunions with old friends made the occasion one to remember.